Monthly Archives: August 2015


It occurred to me again today that we are ‘called out ones’ –being called out of ordinariness, out of average, out of sleepiness into alertness, out of pew-warming and a mono-ministry system (priest/pastor—laity), out of complacency into serious motivation for the Kingdom of God.

You probably know that the word ‘church’ in our English bibles is a (poor) translation of the Greek ekklesia  which simply meant assembly, a  totally non-religious word in biblical times and literally meant ‘called out ones’.

That’s us. Called out of traditions that void the word of God. Called out for growth and maturity in love, hope, faith, hearing the Holy Spirit teaching us. Called out for effective praying in the Spirit, for joy, patience and long-suffering.

Called out for bearing witness everywhere we go to the limitless worth of Jesus. Called out to bring the good news and not judgment to a world fast abandoning all moral restraints yet in terrible bondage and destined for an agonising eternity.

Called out to heal the sick and to set the oppressed free!