Category Archives: Health and Healing

Now here’s an amazing miracle

by ~ Chris G. Bennett (UK)

For those of you who haven’t known me long, here is a healing testimony from 2009 in Denmark — when I was being launched into ministry by my mentor.

I was in Denmark, ministering one evening in 2009, I think it was. We were in a prayer meeting and we were asked by a lady, called Bente, if we would come to Copenhagen to pray with her husband Frank as he was very depressed.

A serious storm which closed all the bridges was stilled around the house while we were praying — but that’s another story.

Frank was a Christian biker who had been involved in a very serious accident. He, and his Harley, were mown down by a van driven, I believe, by a lady doctor, who saved his life at the scene!

He was very severely injured — shattered legs and many minor injuries. The Royal Copenhagen Hospital had told him that he’d never walk without help nor without pain again.

Just to give you an idea, one leg was so badly broken that it was now five inches shorter than the other!

Curvature of the spine had set in and many other injuries had manifested which “couldn’t be healed” — they gave Frank no hope — only drugs to lessen the pain.

The next day, three of us arrived at Frank’s second floor apartment in a Copenhagen suburb. Fortunately for him the lift worked. Frank was standing on his balcony, leaning on two walking sticks.

My mentor, Peter, called out to him, “Are you Frank?”


“Are you ready to be healed?”


Frank met us at the door. He had great difficulty manouvering even round his home. We learned that he’d just spent an enormous sum on hand-made built-up shoes that would allow him to walk a bit easier, but the hospital had told him that he’d only get worse until he ended up wheelchair bound and a hopeless cripple.

Peter, John, and I, our ‘team’ on that trip, prayed then turned to Frank. Peter called out words of knowledge — John and I prayed and ministered to Frank.

We sat him on a chair. We prayed first for his shortened leg. We knew something special was about to happen when his shortened leg grew those five inches!

The hair stood up on our necks!

Then we stood Frank up and I watched his spine straighten out — like dominoes, each vertebrae clicked back into its proper position!

He squared his shoulders and everything came up straight! He stood — straight.

For the next hour, Peter called a condition, John and I ministered, Frank was healed of 20-odd injuries and conditions.

Tinnitus, knee problems, various other leg and ankle problems, pelvic misalignment, double vision, various aches and pains — every single one was healed by first revelation, then by laying on of hands and prayer!

Frank began, gingerly at first, then confidently, walking around. He laid his two sticks down saying, “I no longer need these!”

We were all praising God. We left him and Bente singing praises.

The next day, Frank had a hospital appointment to discuss further therapy to help him maintain mobility.

The consultants didn’t even recognise him as he walked, unaided and completely upright into the office.

At Franks request, all medical checks to verify his miracle were formally attested and passed to a Christian doctor in Frank’s Church.

The consultant admitted to his miracle. What happened? Jesus has healed me!”

He is a walking, talking miracle!

He still lives in the Copenhagen area; still rides a big Harley Davidson; still runs a Christian biker ‘gang’ spreading the good news of Christ among bikers.

Glory to God!!

First Peter chapter 2—More

As we look at Peter’s letter to people in various places we see how he was encouraging them, preparing them for a most important, earth-shattering event was to take place. The Jerusalem temple and the Jewish religion as known for centuries, would be destroyed and replaced by a new creation (read Matthew 21:33-46). This would impact them and many Jews where they lived. Here we look at the second half of chapter 2. In this part of his letter, let’s look at several behaviour matters Peter calls on his readers. Please let’s start by reading verses 11-12 . . .

Peter dubbs his readers “temporary residents and foreigners” who must live exemplary lives in their society and amonng their neighbours. Note how this is linked in with ‘preserving their eternal souls’. Like us today, they were on Planet Earth for a very brief time. We too face a very short stay in this world. It’s as though we were aliens–‘Just a passin’ through’–we are en-route—as though merely on a journey. It is so important to reflect on how short our time is here. This ‘time’ cannot be compared to the eternal life we will experience, just no comparison. Right?

He continues the need of honorable behavior, so that their neighbours when they face their Maker, their Judge, they will have to give honour to God. Just imagine that all the unbelieving people we deal with and have related to in our lifetime will be forced to acknowlege God’s glory and his work in our lives! Now look at verses 13-17 . . .

Peter continues the theme of believers showing the best of behavior as believers “for the Lord’s sake”. The Lord’s sake is the important part. We live in His world and this is the day He has made. This is emphasised in v. 15 “the Lord’s will”. It’s all about the behaviour of Christians being seen as exemplory in the place where they (we) live. So our critics have no leg to stand on. We too must live a law-abiding life before a watching world.

Although you are free, he says (v16), yet don’t forget that you are God’s slaves! So important to understand we are free. This is very applicable for us today. We must never use that freedom as an excuse to do evil. Respect is due to everyone: the family of believers and especially the fear of God. Obey the law and rules of the road. Respect the king? Which one? Yes, King Jesus!

Then follows vs 18-20 about relationships between slaves and masters. In the ancient world slaves were an essential part of the ecomony, In the Roman world there were more slaves than free. Was this God’s will? Of course not, and in due time slavery would be discontinued though it remains in our world today. It was the law that slaves obeyed masters, their ‘owners’.

That word ‘submit’comes up a few times here. The Greek original is hypertasso which according to Strong’s can carry the idea of a voluntaryattitude, giving in, cooperating, or assuming responsibility. Still for us today if we are employed and have an obligation to do what the boss tells you.

Note v.19-21: “God is pleased when, conscious of his will, you patiently endure unjust treatment.” Like those first century believers we might have to suffer for doing good and endure it patiently, following Christ’s example and “follow in his steps.”

Thus as Jesus (v22) never sinned or deceived anyone. Because he did not retaliate when he was insulted, nor must we. “He left his case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly”. We are called to do the same, though our conditions have changed vastly compared to the Roman world.

In V 24 here are two exciting and wonderful promises: Because “he personally carried our sins in his body on the cross” the result is that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right! How good is that!

But not only that: By his wounds you are healed. Not will be healed some day. Not provisionally healed. Not possibly healed. Not maybe healed. Not were healed . But are healed!

What a great declaration this is (v25) . . . “Once you were like sheep who wandered away. But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls.” These two verses wonderfully echo Isaiah 53:5-6.

Let’s talk some more again next time.

REVOLUTIONIZE” your Christian walk

By Andrew Strom.

Practical steps that will “REVOLUTIONIZE” your Christian walk:

For many years now I have studied the accounts of past Revivals
and Revivalists. But when you study this topic, one of the things
you see very quickly is that we in the church today are living well
below the level of Christianity that should be considered ‘normal’.
(-Even a lot of “Spirit-filled” believers today). When you see what
kind of Gospel was preached and what kind of Christian life was
lived in the Revival days of old, you start to hunger for that kind of
Christianity again. And you start to see that there is a kind-of
“Revived” life that is very attainable for us all today – but so few
are walking in it – or are even told that it exists.

In many ways, what I am talking about is the ‘Normal’ Christian
life. It is nothing else but the “new creation” life found in Romans
chapters 6 – 8. There is nothing “amazing” about it at all. Yet it is
so far above the kind of Christianity that we have been led to
expect, that many think it “unattainable”. How very sad – because
it is the free gift of God to us all.

Is it possible to walk before God in a constant state of being
‘clean’ before Him – and knowing it? Is it possible to walk with a
truly pure heart and clean conscience as our “normal” state –
every day? Is it possible to live in true victory over sin – at a
practical level? Is it possible to have the strongholds of sin and
pride in our fallen nature so dealt-with that they hardly bother us at all?

The answer to these questions is ‘Yes’. And one of the key things
that our website has to be about, is how to come into this kind of
Christianity – how to literally have a “personal Revival”.


As all Scripture and Revival history shows – a true Revival begins
with “Deep Repentance”. And in our personal lives, it so often
begins with making a “list” – literally – of ANY sin or compromise
or “cloud” that is in our life – and confessing those sins to God
with real sorrow and repentance. Any person who cannot make a
‘LIST’ like that – and spend time confessing their sins before God
(-and forsaking them!) – is not really serious about becoming
‘Revived’. This is the first place to start.

In fact, please stop reading this right now. Please find a piece of
paper and write down a List of every sin or ‘doubtful’ thing in your
life. Ask God to “shine His light” into your heart and show you
everything that you need to repent of. Then simply get alone with
Him and go through that List – repenting of each thing one by one –
deeply confessing and forsaking them before the Lord.

I believe a lot of people will have a “Personal Revival” just through
doing that! -In fact, I know of many people who have literally been
‘revived’ through this simple process. So please – DO IT NOW! This
first step is so important that I do not believe there is any point
reading further until you have gone through it.

THEN – “WALKING” in it:

Now, after you have been through this Repentance process, what
you are left with is a CLEAN CONSCIENCE. [-This is assuming
that you have already been through the other basic steps found in
Romans 6 – 8. ie. WATER-BAPTISM (-a “death” to the old life)
and also RECEIVING THE HOLY SPIRIT (-without which we do
not have the ‘POWER’ to walk in a truly ‘Revived’ state). Please
see my other articles for more on these two steps if you need to].

Assuming that you have these basic things in place, and that you
have now REPENTED DEEPLY by confessing your sins to God
one by one, you should now sense a RENEWED COMMUNION
with God through having a totally CLEAN CONSCIENCE before
Him. Is that what you are sensing?

The Bible speaks many times of having a conscience that is
“sprinkled clean” by God. -And what a precious thing this is! In
fact, it is fair to say that the Christian life consists of- (1) GETTING
a clean conscience, and (2) KEEPING it clean! -It is pretty much
as simple as that!

So how do you “walk” in a ‘Revived’ state before God? -Simply by
walking in a way that KEEPS YOUR CONSCIENCE CLEAN. That
is what Romans 8 is all about! -That is what 1 John 3 is all about!
-Keeping your heart PURE before God. -Getting a clean
conscience and WALKING IN IT – by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Special blessings to all.

An Undeniable and Amazing Miracle

Let me share an amazing story, truly miraculous, which has unfolded early this year.

My son has an IT business with Egyptian-born Atef. Atef and his Philippine-born wife, Emelie were living on the Central Coast of New South Wales with their three young boys when she became pregnant again.   

In November 2020, Emelie was given the most distressing news by doctors at the local hospital. She faced the most dangerous possible outcome because of the baby’s position. The placenta was growing in a verticle crevice left by a previous caesarean delivery. The thin wall of the placenta could easily puncture.

When my wife Joan and I heard this terrible news from Atef, we began praying and then we recruited others praying day and night for the blessing of God upon them, for a miracle. It had to be a miracle.

She was then referred to the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney where she was told that the doctors would be assembling a team of specialists (not just obstetricians) to be on hand for a March delivery as the lives of both mother and baby would be in grave danger due to potential haemorrhaging. An all-day procedure would be necessary. When they asked the specialist about the odds of having a successful outcome, the doctors gave no reply. Could the situation rectify naturally? The specialist said that was impossible. They were told that even if the delivery was successful the growth of the child could be compromised.

Well, our prayers were about to be answered in an extraordinary way.

On the 7th of January, Atef and Emelie went to Sydney’s Royal North Shore Hospital for a scheduled scan of the pregnancy. Then they were told the most astonishing good news.

The scan at the Sydney Hospital revealed that Emeiie could expect to have a completely normal finish to her pregnancy. The specialist was stunned and said this was totally unexpected. He said the womb was completely normal and “it didn’t even look like she had undergone three previous C-sections”.

A few weeks later, the parents made another scheduled visit expecting Emelie to undergo an MRI scan. But after an Ultrasound was performed, the specialist they saw confirmed total normality! He had no explanation but had to acknowledge this was a miracle. There was no need to have the scheduled MRI, nor another visit to Sydney, and she was told she could have the baby at their local hospital.  Wow!

When they made the necessary arrangements for a March delivery at the local hospital, the medical staff were sounding very concerned that the procedure would not be without very serious results despite the recent scans at the Royal North Shore Hospital.  So they proceeded to have a team of specialists ready for the worst-case scenario, an all-day procedure. We kept trusting God and encouraged Atef as well.

The big day arrived. On 11th March, Emelie and Atef proceeded to the local hospital and there a beautiful, perfect baby girl weighing 3.5 kg was born by normal C-Section. There was no abnormal bleeding and the condition of the womb did not look as if there were any previous C-sections. They said, “there was not even any bad scarring visible!”

The climax of an amazing miracle.

Isn’t God wonderful! Atef and Emelie are over the moon. Excited. And so thankful to God and to all who joined in prayer. God loves us so very much. To God be the glory.

Surely, God intended the arrival of this precious little life and He intends many blessings for this family!

Rejoice with us and be encouraged in your faith and prayer life. Keep on asking!

The Vaccine

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.  It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible Ephesians 5:11-13

We are asked by the Lord to be children of light and to have nothing to do with the dark acts we see in the world.

Rather we are commanded to expose them.

OK. So, in fear and trembling . . .

A recent report by an independent journalist has just share information he obtained from the CDC of the United States on the Rate Of Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines. These are said to be “Already 50x Higher Than Flu Shots.”  Check it out

My wife and I have both decided we will not have this jab. In fact, we have never had the annual flu shots even though we were/are deemed ‘elderly’. Of course we take precautions. And we trust in God’s grace and protection!

We have observed that many who had those flu jabs in recent years still suffered the virus. We also note that there is no vaccine for the ‘common cold’.

Also we believe it takes many years to produce a safe and effective vaccine. We are aware that the approved vaccine has not been tested on animals.

We also know that in Australia (only in Australia?) no doctor is allowed to prescribe any of the known, proven and effective medicines which are safe and effective. Your local pharmacy has these on their shelves.

Also see: Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!!

You don’t believe this?—do your own research. Your health is at stake

Replace lockdowns with safe effective cures

Lives are Being Lost Because Our Government Is Restricting The Prevention And The Cure!!

This information below is now on the public record.

  1. There are several known safe preventatives and cures for this disease–Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin and the asthma steroid drug Budesonide (‘Symbicort’).
  2. These are being used safely effectively in various parts of the world.
  3. Fake science reports re HCQ published in 2 prestigious journals have both been withdrawn as faulty science, an unheard-of scandal.
  4. Lockdowns are causing many more illnesses and even more deaths (suicides) besides wrecking lives, businesses and our economy.
  5. Medical workers are fearful and prohibited from deviating from the authoritarian dictates of the top health elites.

My daughter works for a leading online help for kids and they are overwhelmed by calls from help. She and colleagues are under enormous stress. This cannot and must not remain.

With these highly effective and safe medicines available, I plead with you to do whatever you can stop any further lockdowns and open our borders.

Please start by viewing this link and signing the petition:

See more details on this site.

Hydroxychloroquine Cures Coronavirus!

“Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread”

The authors, peer-reviewed scientists, published their conclusions in Virology Journal. 2005; 2: 69.  NIH, USA and published online 2005 Aug 22. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69

They said in 2005 “Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV).

These scientists reported then

 “that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.”

They concluded with these words

“Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.”

That was 15 years ago. But now in 2020, the elite medical people in the US are talking about its ineffectiveness and even making its use illegal in some states for the fight against Covid19. Now Dr Fauci is apparently suffering from memory loss.

In Australia, meekly following the US, it is now illegal to prescribe or sell Hydroxychloroquine this same drug which is safer than asprin or paracetamol and has been used for 60 years as a safe treatment to cure various illnesses or as a preventative. In the meantime with lockdowns and restrictions, mental illness is soaring, suicide rates rising, children deprived of normal lives and education, businesses destroyed, tens of thousands out of work and the nation’s economy being ruined.

See also recent study at

“The study was published today in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, the peer-reviewed, open-access online publication of the International Society of Infectious Diseases (”

So why is Hydroxychloroquine now being denied as treatment for the virus in Australia?

 Why is Australia governed now by the opinions of medical authorities?

Hydroxychloroquine (a preferred derivative of chloroquine) is a medication traditionally prescribed over 60 years safely to prevent or treat malaria infections. In certain countries and parts of the world where malaria is still present, a person can easily catch malaria from a seemingly insignificant mosquito bite. In most countries, it is freely available without a prescription.

And this evidence of deliberate misinformation: Medical Scandal of the Decade Erupts as Lancet and NEJM Both Retract Studies Finding Hydroxychloriquine Deadly and Ineffective. June 6, 2020

This was a form of Politicized Science. The drug companies were supporting the publishing of this fake news financially.

Now you know, what do you about it?

Well you can spread the information. Ask questions of your political representatives. Write to newspapers.