Tag Archives: Harley Davidson

Now here’s an amazing miracle

by ~ Chris G. Bennett (UK)

For those of you who haven’t known me long, here is a healing testimony from 2009 in Denmark — when I was being launched into ministry by my mentor.

I was in Denmark, ministering one evening in 2009, I think it was. We were in a prayer meeting and we were asked by a lady, called Bente, if we would come to Copenhagen to pray with her husband Frank as he was very depressed.

A serious storm which closed all the bridges was stilled around the house while we were praying — but that’s another story.

Frank was a Christian biker who had been involved in a very serious accident. He, and his Harley, were mown down by a van driven, I believe, by a lady doctor, who saved his life at the scene!

He was very severely injured — shattered legs and many minor injuries. The Royal Copenhagen Hospital had told him that he’d never walk without help nor without pain again.

Just to give you an idea, one leg was so badly broken that it was now five inches shorter than the other!

Curvature of the spine had set in and many other injuries had manifested which “couldn’t be healed” — they gave Frank no hope — only drugs to lessen the pain.

The next day, three of us arrived at Frank’s second floor apartment in a Copenhagen suburb. Fortunately for him the lift worked. Frank was standing on his balcony, leaning on two walking sticks.

My mentor, Peter, called out to him, “Are you Frank?”


“Are you ready to be healed?”


Frank met us at the door. He had great difficulty manouvering even round his home. We learned that he’d just spent an enormous sum on hand-made built-up shoes that would allow him to walk a bit easier, but the hospital had told him that he’d only get worse until he ended up wheelchair bound and a hopeless cripple.

Peter, John, and I, our ‘team’ on that trip, prayed then turned to Frank. Peter called out words of knowledge — John and I prayed and ministered to Frank.

We sat him on a chair. We prayed first for his shortened leg. We knew something special was about to happen when his shortened leg grew those five inches!

The hair stood up on our necks!

Then we stood Frank up and I watched his spine straighten out — like dominoes, each vertebrae clicked back into its proper position!

He squared his shoulders and everything came up straight! He stood — straight.

For the next hour, Peter called a condition, John and I ministered, Frank was healed of 20-odd injuries and conditions.

Tinnitus, knee problems, various other leg and ankle problems, pelvic misalignment, double vision, various aches and pains — every single one was healed by first revelation, then by laying on of hands and prayer!

Frank began, gingerly at first, then confidently, walking around. He laid his two sticks down saying, “I no longer need these!”

We were all praising God. We left him and Bente singing praises.

The next day, Frank had a hospital appointment to discuss further therapy to help him maintain mobility.

The consultants didn’t even recognise him as he walked, unaided and completely upright into the office.

At Franks request, all medical checks to verify his miracle were formally attested and passed to a Christian doctor in Frank’s Church.

The consultant admitted to his miracle. What happened? Jesus has healed me!”

He is a walking, talking miracle!

He still lives in the Copenhagen area; still rides a big Harley Davidson; still runs a Christian biker ‘gang’ spreading the good news of Christ among bikers.

Glory to God!!